by Kaleigh Gill ’20 (Immaculata House)
Trinity High School students were singing ‘take me out to the ball game’ on April 24 at the visit to First National Bank Stadium. Students in business classes and DECA club went to a Harrisburg Senators game to learn about what goes into running a team. My peers and I went on an early bus ride to City Island on Wednesday morning to find out what it actually takes to produce a day at the park. It takes more than just a bunch of players and a coach to run a minor league baseball team.  Our day was different than a normal day at a ball game. It was split into three parts: an hour presentation, an hour tour with interviews, and a game.
In the first hour we heard presentations from people like the team president and the radio broadcaster for the Senators. When talking with them, we learned about where they started and how they got to where they are now. During the second hour, we visited stations to talk more closely with people and tour the stadium. We heard from the directors of marketing, merchandise, and stadium operations, and the general manager of food & beverage. Â A Messiah college student, and a First National Bank representative also gave us information on team finance.
After finding out the behind-the-scenes of the game we got to see it all in action. Â On the bright and sunny Wednesday, we watched the Senators play Altoona. It is crazy to think of all the jobs that you overlook when at a game. Usually when watching you do not think about who is playing the videos on the scoreboard or who makes sure there are enough hot dogs. Â Fortunately, we had the opportunity to learn about both these things and enjoy ourselves on a warm spring day.