by Elena Rohrer ’23 (De La Salle House)
The adjustment from learning at home has been hard and stressful, but it also gives you a chance to get yourself prepared for what college or your job could be like. It puts a big responsibility on us as students and gives us the ability to choose to do what we’re supposed to do or just blow it off. I think this adjustment is definitely not an easy thing, but it’s part of the learning process and it’ll all teach us something valuable at the end of the day.
All my teachers have been very good at helping me get through these assignments. They have all been quick to answer my emails, and give me as much help and advice as I needed. They make it easier for us by giving us the ability to do assignments early and get it over with. The teachers even make it fun for us by adding little things for us to comment on or to think about.
My Chromebook has been extremely useful for me during this adjustment because I can easily look up what I need to and email teachers. My Chromebook has helped me do research, watch videos for work, and use google classroom. I can work on it anywhere and I can easily get to what I need without any glitches or buffers.
The thing I miss the most at Trinity would probably be the teachers and students and the kindness they showed me every day. I miss laughing in class and being in a wonderful environment with great people. Being a freshman I have only been here one year, but I already felt like Trinity was my other home. I am grateful that I got to experience all the care and love from faculty and students because it was a nice surprise. My greatest challenge with home learning is trying to stay on track because I tend to get distracted a lot. I also learn better when someone is explaining it to me so that has also been hard for me.