Continuity of Instruction

Flexible Instruction

Trinity High School has continued to educate students, with as little disruption to our academic flow as possible in the face of state-wide school closures. Relying on our 1:1 technology initiative, 100% of students and faculty are using their Chromebooks from home to teach and complete lessons.

Our Flexible Instruction Program runs from Mondays through Thursdays, with Fridays reserved for faculty preparation of lessons and professional development, while students will have the opportunity to complete any work for the week. Most classes meet daily, Monday through Thursday, while teachers of certain elective and fractional classes provide assignments on an every-other-day schedule. Assignments from the week are due the following Monday. Faculty members are available by email from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; classes meet “face-to-face” via Zoom or Google Meet using this schedule.

To See Flexible Instruction Assignments

Teachers post assignments under Announcements and Alerts on their individual class pages. You cannot see Flexible Instruction Assignments from the homepage that opens as soon as you log-in to Rediker. Here are the steps:

  • Login to Rediker
  • Select the class you wish to work on and click on that class from your home page
  • Scroll down to the third window, which is marked Announcements & Alerts
  • Assignments will be posted there by date. Some assignment directions may take you to another site–Google Classroom, Khan Academy, etc.

It is imperative that students continue to complete and return work presented by teachers through online instruction. It is important for teachers to receive work regularly in digital form in order to assess students’ progress and to guide the teachers in continuing instruction. These assignments will also contribute to students’ grades. Any missing work will be marked as missing and may receive a credit deduction for lateness or a zero if not returned.

Keeping Structure in a Time of Uncertainty

Teenagers have a circadian rhythm that tends toward staying up later than adults or their younger siblings, but that also means wanting to sleep significantly longer than the rest of the household. It may be helpful to keep a structured schedule of academics. Here is a suggestion:

  • 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. — get up, get dressed, and eat breakfast
  • 9:00 to 11:50 a.m. — teleconferences with teachers and Flexible Instruction Assignments
  • 11:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. — break and lunch
  • 12:50 to 2:00 p.m. — additional teleconferences, if necessary and completion of assignments
  • After 2:00 p.m. — exercise, relaxation, and family time

It is certainly understandable that some of our students may need to be responsible for younger brothers or sisters during the course of the “school” day, and so their academic time may need to be pushed to the later afternoon or evening hours. But if at all possible, try to help them keep an earlier evening, which would then allow for not sleeping until noon, though each family’s needs are different!

“Whatever be the cause, the fact is undeniable. The general principles of any study you may learn by books at home; but the detail, the colour, the tone, the air, the life which makes it live in us, you must catch all these from those in whom it lives already.”  –John Henry Newman, The Idea of a University

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